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Electric & Communication Department

   Electronics and Communications Engineering (EC) involves researching, designing, developing and testing of electronic equipment used in various systems. Electronics and Communications engineers also conceptualize and oversee the manufacturing of communications and broadcast systems. This stream of engineering deals with analogue transmission, basic electronics, microprocessors, solid-state devices, digital and analogue communication, analogue integrated circuits, microwave engineering, satellite communication, antennae and wave progression. It also deals with the manufacturing of electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment.

   In GTI(Putao), there is no course for Electronic Communication Engineering (EC) in present because courses are opened and taught according to the local requirements. However, many short- term courses concerned with Information and Technology which are needed and important for the local development such as Basic Computer Courses and Photoshop-CS3 Courses are teaching and training both to the teacher in school and to the local people.

    Teachers in Electric & Communication Department

1U Kyaw Min TunAssistant LecturerT.T.T.I(EC)
2U Sarep Gaham Dee
Assistant LecturerB.E(EC) at SMVTI
3U Sar Moe SarTutorB.E(EC)
4U Joung SarLaboratory Expert (4)AGTI(EC)