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Mechanical Department

Main Aim of Mechanical Engineering Department

    In the 18th century of Europe, the mechanical engineering was arisen as a field of study during the Industrial Revolution. This subject has been improving continuously and nowadays it aims so that mechanical technology field can develop more and more. It also aims to produce students who have very high creativities and good qualities.

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Subject

    In mechanical engineering, the procedures of innovation, screening, production and maintenance etc are performed. This mechanical engineering subject is related with other engineering subjects like a few.
   Mechanical engineers can perform manufacturing plants, industrial equipment, business machinery, heating and cooling equipment, transportation systems, aircraft, boat, robot, medical equipment, weapons, product other designs and invention. To study in details, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and product life planning equipment are used. Since mechanical engineering is a subject that would be studied driving and operating, production and designing of machine and machinery, other subjects that are related with mechanical engineering would be learnt.
   It would need to study for three years to get the achievement certificate from Associateship of Government Technical Institute (AGTI) mechanical department and it have to take the exam twice a year. The teaching system of mechanical engineering includes 60% practical and 40% study experience. At the end of each school year, all of the first-year students must study in the field practically. All of the second-year students must practice projects for one month. And all the final-year students must do visiting workplace as intern for three years.   

            Teachers in Mechanical Department

1Daw Aye Myint SanAssistant LecturerB.E(Mech)
2Daw Khin Saw PhyuAssistant LecturerB.E(Mech)
3Daw Pan Ei PhyuAssistant LecturerB.E(Mech)
4U Naw Aung JatTutorB.E(Mech)
5U Ding Kang Du KhawLaboratory Expert (4)AGTI(Mech)

Short-Term Courses

    Polytechnic training short-term courses are also offered and taught from time to time. These short-term courses are intended for some people who are very interested about occupation but cannot attend because of so many reasons (eg. Education requirement). Therefore, these courses would teach for those people not only to stand up for their life but also to benefit the environment.
The courses offered are:
1. Welding course _ Three weeks
2. Single Cylinder (Petro and Diesel Engine) course _ One month

Images of School Activities

1.When schools are closed, attending training courses and awareness exchange events are carried out.

2.Now in the year 2020, at the time of Covid 19 pandemic, all the schools are closed temporarily. To prevent and control this disease from happening, so all of the teachers in department cooperated for the required foot wash basins and hand sanitizers stairs.